Well I officially have 3 more days of work left before I will be out of the office until after the new year. Next week I will be going TDY (temporary duty) to Washington D.C. to spend a week at the Pentagon. I have never been to the Pentagon, so I'm pretty excited. In fact, the one and only time I have spent any time in D.C., I was sorely disappointed to find out that under our current national security concerns, you can no longer just take tours of places like the Pentagon and the White House. But, after next week I will no longer be able to say that I have never been to the Pentagon. So check that off the bucket list! Now, if I only could find a way into the White House...
After that, I will spend two weeks at home in Houston with the family. I am really looking forward to this trip, as it will be the last time I get to see everyone until approximately sometime in 2013. That sounds like a really long time!
Work has been somewhat hectic with the pending deployment. Commanders never fail to wait until the last minute to deal with the problem Soldiers, and then of course they can't understand why the Soldier will not be out of the Army before we leave. Then there is also the issue of Soldiers who cannot just stay out of trouble for the last month before we deploy, but that is to be expected...I like to think of it as job security!