Friday, June 8, 2012

Soooooooooo Close!

I am getting so close to getting out of here!  I just have to get through one more day, and then it will be the day that I get on a plane and fly away.  I really can't wait.  I've been trying hard not to get too excited, as that just leads to disappointment around here.  But, I think it may be time to start getting excited.
I had court today, which always has a tendency to make a morning go by quick.  It was just an arraignment and a motion hearing, but it took all the way until lunch.  I like when time goes by quickly here, especially when I'm so close to leaving.  Now if I could just find a way to slow time down while I'm on vacation.  But it's the age old problem of vacations take forever to get here, and then they zoom by in the blink of an eye.  I am still planning on savoring every last second!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Randomness in Afghanistan...

Let me start out this post by apologizing for the last post.  I have been in sort of a depression for the last week, but I am trying my hardest now to pull out of it.  I have one week until I get to take a break from the horrible place that is Kandahar, and I can't wait.  I am doing my best at trying to remember to just take one day at a time, but the amount of time I have left here is quite substantial.

I have now lost 28 pounds, so I'm only 2 pounds away from 30! (in case you couldn't do that math)  I am also only 9 pounds away from the goal weight that I set coming into Afghanistan.  So, hopefully that means that I will be able to lose that 9 pounds and make my goal.

I got another new pair of running shoes.  My paralegals think that I am crazy because I just bought a pair when I got to Afghanistan.  I tried to explain to them that I didn't end up liking them, as they were too long and narrow and made me look like I had skis on my feet.  Also with being long and narrow, there is no opportunity for the shoes to make my legs look, or at least my ankles, thinner.  So my new pair has these abilities, and my ankles look much thinner when I wear them.  These are very important attributes of a good pair of running shoes.  And in case you're wondering, they are hot pink!  Because I love pink :)  Oh and they also make me feel like I am walking on a cloud, so they are really comfortable.

Last random thought.  The camels that are right outside the wire a lot, had babies.  So now there are baby camels right outside the wire.

One of the baby camels

New running shoes!