Monday, January 30, 2012

Everyone has arrived...

Tonight, the last two people from my office made it into country, so we are a complete office now.  We went to see them arrive at the airport, and again, it was a complete cluster.  The civilian guy that runs the PAX (passenger) terminal is on a real power trip, and is counter productive in getting people through there fast.  Hopefully he won't still be working there when I have to go through again.

Today at the office was rather unpleasant as a generator right outside our building had something wrong with it and had smoke billowing out of it for most of the day.  And by smoke, I mean lots of smoke!  The building I work in is not an actual building that will keep stuff like that out of it.  It is made of plywood, and it may have a tent around it.  So basically, we were breathing in diesel fumes from the generator for most of the day.  Luckily we didn't drop dead from carbon monoxide poisoning as we don't really have any way to ventilate the office.  I have been told, by the legal team that we are replacing, that this happens from time to time, but not too often.  However, on the other hand, every time it rains, apparently my personal office floods....

In other news, my shower tonight was hot and had water pressure!  What more can a girl ask for in a war zone?

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