Saturday, March 3, 2012

Today was another day...

I was a little down in blog post yesterday, and I am sorry for that.  I try not to complain too much, as nobody wants to read that.  Although it didn't start out all that well, today ended up being a good day.

I had my resiliency meeting this morning at O'dark thirty.  One of the bosses was in a horrible mood (I guess he wasn't feeling very resilient) and decided to make everyone else miserable.  That's always a barrel of fun!  I am usually pretty good at brushing off others bad moods around the office, as I don't see any point in joining in the misery. But he made sure that I couldn't brush it off, when he made some snide remark about me only working 4 hour days.  Now if I wasn't currently working around a 12+ hour day, 7 days a week, this wouldn't have bothered me, but I am, so it did.  The irony of the fact that he was making snide remarks in a meeting where we are trying to come with ways to improve Soldier's morale, is not lost on me.

Around lunch time, the day took a turn for the better.  I got another care package this time from my cousin Debbie and Aunt Helen.  It was completely unexpected, but it lifted my spirits right up.  I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I just can't express enough how grateful I am for all the care packages that I have received. It really goes a long way in boosting morale, especially on days when it feels like the command doesn't care or appreciate the work that we do.  So, a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has sent me a care package!

In other news, my very fancy double wall tea tumbler that I was so excited for, exploded the other day.  That was pretty tragic.  Luckily it was only the inner wall, as I'm sure I would have been injured had the outer wall blown.  And that definitely would not have qualified for a purple heart!  I was pretty disappointed as that tea tumbler made it so easy for me to brew my loose tea leaves as it had a strainer built right in, and it was pretty to watch the tea leaves float around as I drank the tea.  I wrote an email to the company with my sob story, and they are replacing it free of charge.  I don't even have to send them in the defective one.  Which is good, because that would be a hassle.  In the mean time, I remembered that I brought my thermos that has a strainer attachment so I use that.  Although, it does not provide me the same joy as it is stainless steel and I can't watch the tea float around.  But from a safety perspective, I can guarantee that the stainless steel isn't going to explode (although I don't have any science degree to back that up).

I have been derelict in my picture taking duties, and I will try to rectify that situation soon.  I just keep waiting for something to happen so I can give you guys excitement.  You may have to settle for something short of excitement...

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