Thursday, July 12, 2012

Yeah for water in Afghanistan...

After coming home 2 days in a row to no running water, I was very happy to come home to find the water was back on.  When I left this morning, it was still off.  I couldn't take another bottled water/baby wipe shower, so last night, I wandered into another "neighborhood" to find a working a shower.  Even though my showers are pretty gross, it was nice to be able to take a shower in them tonight.  I much prefer the grossness I'm used to instead of someone else's new grossness.

The problem with the water is bound to happen again, as it has been happening a lot lately.  Apparently, they are diverting the poo pond to a new location, and in doing so they keep contaminating the water that is used for the showers and latrines.  I try not to think about that while I'm showering.  Although they say that they fix the problem by hyper-chlorinating the water.  But, I really try not to think about it.

I have a bike now.  My BJA that left, gave me his bike.  It makes my commute to and from work a lot quicker.  It's also a pretty good workout.  I ride the stationary bikes at the gym almost daily, but I had forgotten how much work it is to actually move a bike carrying your own body weight.  Of course once I put  a little more air in the tires, the ride got a little easier.

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