Sunday, September 16, 2012

Let's go fly a kite in Afghanistan....

Let me just start off by saying that I know I suck at updating this blog lately.  I'm sorry.  And if it is any consolation, I feel guilty about it.  Things have kinda been crappy around here lately.  Morale is pretty low, and I think we are all just trying to get through these last few months.  2013 can't come soon enough.

A while back, somebody sent me a kite in one of the many care packages that I have received.  I don't remember who sent it, sorry.  When it came, nobody wanted to play with it, but I didn't want to throw it away.  So, I just put on it on the shelf.  CPT Coy found it on the shelf yesterday and decided he would take it out for a spin.  So we took a little trip outside to fly a kite.  It was fun for about 2 minutes, then CPT Coy got the kite string caught in some sort of tumbleweed and broke the string trying to get it untangled.  Then we just decided to fly it with a really short string, which was actually way easier.  Then the fun wore completely off, and we were done flying the kite.  But it was a good 10 minutes of entertainment, which is hard to come by around here.  So thanks for the 10 minutes of fun, whoever sent the kite!

Other than that, I don't have much else to say, as it really is just "groundhog day" around here everyday.  I do have lots of pictures though, so enjoy...

CPT Coy enjoying a little smoke break.  He is really excited that he is in Afghanistan.

Keeping the guys company while they smoke their cigars.  It got me out of my office.

Fighter jet taking off during the smoke break.  These things are crazy loud!

Trying to figure out how to fly the kite

It's not going very well

Maybe running will help

Eric climbed on top of the bunker to try and get it going

It's way up there now...

The answer to the proverbial question of how many lawyers does it take to fly a kite is apparently 2

He got it all tangled

It was too tangled, and the string ended up snapping...

Trying my hand at flying the short stringed kite

This is harder than it looks

I'm a good kite flyer

Maybe not...

I almost tripped.

Fitz trying her hand at the kite

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