Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This space intentionally left blank....

No witty title today as there isn't really anything in this post that lends itself to a good title...but, that being said, read it anyway :)

Things are starting to pick up a little in the legal office.  I'm getting more and more calls from commanders about "incidents".  Apparently it is pretty common for a certain amount of Soldiers to lose their mind shortly into a deployment.  Now I don't mean lose their mind, in a crazy way (although we have had that as well), but instead I mean that Soldiers get themselves into trouble.  I think they are testing their limits in the new environment, as though the command would give them some leeway because we are in Afghanistan.

I keep meaning to take more pictures, but nothing exciting has really happened so it would just be a picture of me sitting at my desk.  I do have one picture that I took today on the way back from the DFAC at lunch.

I look at this mountain everyday, and sometimes when I do, I like to squint my eyes really small and sometimes pretend that I am back in Hawaii.  Usually about that time, some bus drives by me (much like the one coming into the frame) and brings me back to reality with a cloud of dust and diesel fumes.  But for the few seconds, it's a glorious thought...

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