Friday, February 17, 2012

Transfer from Thunder to Lightning

Today the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade officially took over from the 159th Combat Aviation Brigade.  It was a transfer from thunder to lightning.  159 was Task Force Thunder.  While our Task Force is Task Force Wings, we are part of the 25th Infantry Division which is also known as Tropic Lightning and we at the CAB are Wings of Lightning.  All this talk about Thunder and Lightning has caused the song "Knock on Wood" to be stuck in my head....
Me and the roommate at the TOA

159th's Commander and CSM about to case their colors

The Casing of 159th's Colors

25th CAB's Colors about to be uncased

COL Tate and CSM Ruiz uncasing the colors

The 25th CAB's colors are flying in Kandahar

DCG of RC(S) giving a speech

Dave in his normal stance checking his iphone

Apparently, the person who made this cake didn't speak English and had a hard time understanding what our "Wings of Lightning" logo was supposed to look like.  You can tell that's a taro leaf with wings, right?

It is raining again in Kandahar, so that means that I spent most of my day underwater in my office.  We vacuumed up most of the water, but that was really a lesson in futility as the water just came right back.  The care package that Mother sent 17 days ago finally made it to me today, so that was a good thing.  A lot of mail for people in the 25th CAB has been getting routed to the wrong FOB (Forward Operating Base).  The CAB that we replaced had a battalion under it that was named Task Force Wings, so I guess that is where it was all getting forwarded.  Unfortunately, the mail person didn't also read the 25th CAB part and that it didn't say 159th CAB.  I know it got routed to another FOB because someone had written in big letters "return to KAF".  So thank you incompetent mail person who, can't read, for delaying my package for 9 days.  I really appreciate it!

Care package from my MOM

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