Saturday, April 28, 2012

And I'm back...

Thursday I found out very last minute that the SJA wanted me to go travel to Strong Point DeMaiwand to interview all the witnesses for the court-martial that I was assigned to.  I wasn't originally going to go and was just going to have the second chair on the case go, as I have been told several times to stay my butt at KAF.  But, it didn't work.  I had to go.  I wasn't really looking forward to going on this trip, as I was first told that I would have to convoy there.  That didn't sound like a plan that I wanted to follow through with, so I looked for other options.

Luckily, I am in an aviation brigade, so I have the "hook up" when it comes to catching flights.  First, the other attorney and I tried the regular way of getting on to the flight that happened to  be leaving that night. That was a no go.  The lady at the PAX terminal said that the flight wasn't taking passengers only cargo.  So, I talked to one of the Soldiers in my brigade and got us right on the flight.  It helps to know people.  Plus, I really didn't want to have to explain to my husband how I ended up on a convoy...

Unfortunately, the flight did not leave on time, and somewhere along the way at one of the many stops we got weather delayed on some HLZ.  I didn't end up getting to SP DeMaiwand until 0400 hours.  We got off the bird and it was complete darkness.  Luckily there was a Soldier who met us at the HLZ to walk us into the base, as I'm sure on our own we would have ended up in one of the many villages that were near by.

When morning came and I was able to see again, it was amazing to me how small this place was.  I thought the other FOBs that I had traveling to were small, but they were huge in comparison to this place.  My presence at the SP made a total of 3 females.  And they only had the 2 females as they were there new FET (Female Engagement Team).  There were absolutely no amenities either.  And by amenities, I mean things like running water or even porta potties (who knew those were an amenity?).  Luckily, when I got the word that I was going and went home to pack, I took a shower, as I was afraid it would be my last for a while if I got stuck there.  I got a little sleep while I was there, but not much.  The cots that everybody sleeps on there, gave me a new found love of my bed at KAF.  I was there for about 24 hours and was able to catch another flight out of there the next night.  Unfortunately, that meant that I didn't get home in bed until about 0400.  So today was a very long day, even though I slept in a little.

When most people at the Brigade heard I was travelling out there, they let me immediately know that I didn't want to go out there.  They also couldn't believe that the lawyer was going out there.  I have been given a new name by one of the Soldiers in the brigade as the "warrior lawyer".  Don't worry, I'm not looking to live up to the name, unfortunately these trips just keep popping up.

Right before I left, I got a package from my adorable little cousin Carter!  And it included cake!  There is nothing better than cake!  For being so young, Carter sure puts together a good care package :)

Here are some pics...
My awesome package from Carter!

Out in the middle of nowhere Afghanistan...

My little area in the "girl's tent" at SP Demaiwand.  The girls definitely got more room than the guys since there were only 2 of them.

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, there is no acceptable explanation to your husband for ending up on a convoy. NEVER going to be ok with that.
