Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sometimes people really don't think...

First, let me start off this post by saying that I am safe.  Normally I don't comment on things that are going on in the Media with regards to Afghanistan for various reasons, but something I saw today really made me mad, for various reasons, most of which I cannot go into on this blog.

This morning I saw an article on the internet about a Soldier who released photos from 2010 of servicemembers posing with body parts.  Let me say, that obviously that does not reflect the character or actions of the majority of individuals who wear the uniform.  I think those actions were obviously not appropriate and should be punished.  However, that being said, I also think the individual who turned them over to the LA Times on the condition of anonymity, should also be dealt with.

The article stated that the servicemember did so because he was worried about the safety of those who were fighting the war.  His actions were irresponsible, at best.  They put the lives of those who are currently over here serving honorably at risk.

I'm not saying that the servicemember shouldn't have brought the pictures to light.  I am merely saying that the manner in which he chose to go about it was not the actions of someone who was worried about the safety of those who are fighting the war, and it is rather infuriating that he thinks otherwise...

Rant over.

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