I tried to post a blog last night, but unfortunately, my internet decided not to work in my room last night. So, being the crafty person that I am, I figured out a way to post a blog from my Government computer. It is kind of tricky because the whole website is blocked through the Government network. But, I figured out that I could email a blog to my blog. Although, I'm not crafty enough, as I just remembered I didn't set it to actually publish the email but instead have it save it as a draft. So, hopefully the internet will be working again.
Not too much has been going on here. Things quieted down a little after the guilty plea and the board. But I have another court-martial next week, and that one will be a contested panel case, which usually takes a few days. I also am preparing charges for another case, but we will see if that one makes it into the inside of the court-room.
We have a little excitement coming up, as Toby Keith is scheduled to come to KAF. I am a big Toby Keith fan! He was scheduled to do a meet and greet with our task force, but that might not happen. I'm hoping it does. The chaplain told me he was using the "man" (said as he pointed to the sky) to arrange a meet and greet with me and that if he pulled it off, I would have to rethink my beliefs on him. I told him, if he could get me a personal meet and greet and Toby Keith walked into my office, I would think about it, and take that as a sign. Something tells me, my beliefs are in no danger of changing. Either way, I'm sure the concert will be packed, but I'll be there!
In other news, I finally decided to read the Hunger Games. It was a very good book, and a quick read. Got through it in a day, and now I'm on the second in the series. If you haven't read the book, I would really recommend it. I haven't seen the movie yet, for obvious reasons, but I'm sure it won't be as good as the book, as the movie never lives up. That's why I always try and read the book first. Apparently, I like to be disappointed in movies....
I have some pics that I could post, but have no way of posting them from the government computer. If you plug anything into a government computer, it pretty much almost creates an international incident. Let's just say it's not very good for the career, and a whole investigation has to be done. So, to avoid all that, I will upload some pics in another post when I get home later. That is of course if the internet chooses to cooperate.
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