Monday, April 16, 2012

And the winner is...

Well, I finally was able to narrow down the book selection and settled on a series of books that I think most people have read or at least seen the movies.  I have neither read the books nor seen the movies (well I saw the first one after it came out, but I really don't have any memory of it).

I have started reading.....Harry Potter.  So far, it's not too bad.  I just started the first book today, and I am half way through with it already.  I don't really know how many books there are, but I remember there being a lot.  So, that should give me at least a week's worth of reading.

I had 2 suggestions for books.  One of them was Game of Thrones.  Everyone in my office has been watching the DVDs and talks about that show non-stop, and they seem to think it is the best thing ever.  So, I'm glad to know that there are books, as I haven't watched the show and would prefer to read a book.  As the books are ALWAYS better.  The other suggestion was a war story.  Normally, I love that kind of stuff, but something about my surroundings now really make me want to be able to escape away from the battlefield when reading.  But I will keep it mind for when I leave Afghanistan.

Sorry that I haven't had any pictures in a while.  Maybe I will make myself go out and find something exciting to do, so I can take some pictures.  If not, I can always post pictures of me at my desk....

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