Friday, April 13, 2012

I don't do this for my health....

So today was spent answering a motion for tomorrow's motion hearing for next week's court martial, and dealing with a commander who just really didn't want to take my legal advice regarding the legal sufficiency of something that he really wanted to do.  The motion was easy.  The commander was annoying.  I hate when I give commanders advice not to do something, and then they persist on doing it anyway.  The reasons I don't want them to do it is purely in their best interest and doesn't serve any of my own interests.  But some are so stubborn, but all I can do is give them my advice and tell them what will happen if they choose to continue on the course.  The commander finally stopped responding me to today, so I think that I may have gotten through to him, or he just chose to ignore me and carry on.  Either way, the decision he makes is on him.

The other day we had our every other week JAG Luncheon with the Division OSJA.  Normally everyone just sits around chatting with others while eating.  Sometime there is an award presentation.  This past one, one of the Captains is leaving the deployment early to go back to the rear and prosecute some high profile cases that happened here in Afghanistan because the unit the Soldiers are attached to is redeploying home.  So the cases are going home.  Nothing like thinking you have about 4-5 more months in Afghanistan and finding out that you get to go home early.

SJA giving praise for the Captain going home

The Award being published

Getting his Award pinned on

A picture with his Nato award certificate

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