Saturday, April 7, 2012

Everything went exactly as expected....

Well, I had the Officer show cause board today, and it went exactly as I expected it would.  The Officer was retained.  It wasn't for lack of trying on my part, but there is only so much that I could do when the Officer's entire chain of command testified on his behalf and said that he was one of the best Soldiers they have ever worked with.  I knew going in, it was going to be an uphill climb.  I can't say that I am all that upset about, as the Officer had over 17 years in and just one incident 2 years, while serious, probably shouldn't be the reason he isn't allowed to retire and finish his career.  So, now I move on to the next thing...

The board took up most of my day, so really nothing else exciting happened.  Another Soldier did stop by and give me one of the masks that he ordered to combat against the dust that tends to linger in the air here in Afghanistan.  I think the thing is pretty snazzy, and I'm sure after looking at the picture, you are jealous and wish you had one.....

I'm smiling under the mask...can't you tell?

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